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It just feels right

When buying a new suit, or any item of new clothing, although how it looks on is of course important, your final decision making process will normally focus around the fact that it just feels right when you’re wearing it. (more…)

Discover Your One Natural Gift

I am absolutely certain that each of us are born with one natural gift that makes us special. Unfortunately many people will go throughout their lives never waking up to what this gift is. (more…)

Share the pain

Why do we hold in our pain? Some may because of embarrassment, others down to personal pride. The pain I’m talking about is the one that you feel when things just don't go well, perhaps a venture you set out on that not only doesn't go to plan but ends up in complete failure. (more…)

Helping Others Whenever You Can

There is nothing that I love more than helping others. And due to my  failures I am now able to do that. Most cultures reward and encourage success and ridicule and shame failure. Growing up, we are taught to pursue success and at all costs avoid failure. We are so ashamed of failing that we would ...

When You Follow Your Calling

“Discover who you truly are and fully give every aspect of your uniqueness to the world. This is your path to an extraordinary life.” Unknown I wonder how many people genuinely love their life, look forward to waking up every morning and doing their thing. Too many people I know spend a lifetime worrying, struggling, trying to ...

What Do You Want To Be, Do And Have

You may have exciting hopes, dreams and visions for your future but do you have the courage to allow yourself to take the risks necessary to turn them into reality. Courage can move your life forward, but nothing works until you know what you want to be, do and have. (more…)
Reflect this New year’s Eve

Reflect this New year’s Eve

Has it really been a week since I last posted on this blog? How time just seems to evaporate over the Christmas period. It is an incredibly busy time of year but such an enjoyable one.  (more…)

Never Let Your Problems Knock You Down

We are all going to suffer at times from all sorts of problems and difficulties but it is essential to never let your problems knock you down. Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them. Henry Ford (more…)

Does your Life have a Clear Sense of Purpose

Does your life have a clear sense of purpose? What is it that you would like to change, solve, manifest or create? If you had a magic wand and could create any result in your life or the world, what would it be? (more…)

Seeing Something Through To The End

Building an online business can be a long and arduous process that is one thing I can assure you.  It takes a lot of hard work, time and dedication. After all Rome wasn't built in a day. With commitment and persistence you will be able to build a profitable and solid business. If you do it ...

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