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Does your Life have a Clear Sense of Purpose

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Does your life have a clear sense of purpose?

What is it that you would like to change, solve, manifest or create?

If you had a magic wand and could create any result in your life or the world, what would it be?

When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it. ~ W. Clement Stone

Are you somebody that has found your calling in life or alternatively are you struggling to gain clarity and focus on exactly what you’re doing here, meaning you have no sense of your purpose.

Somewhere along the way many people wake up to the fact that they’ve not connected to their purpose, yet they know how crucial it is to their long term success and happiness.

Are you still searching for yours? Use this Questionnaire for in order to determine whether you feel your life is in alignment with your main sense of purpose.

The Meaning in Life Questionnaire

1. _____I understand my life’s meaning.
2. _____I am looking for something that makes my life feel meaningful.
3. _____I am always looking to find my life’s purpose.
4. _____My life has a clear sense of purpose.
5. _____I have a good sense of what makes my life meaningful.
6. _____I have discovered a satisfying life purpose.
7. _____I am always searching for something that makes my life feel significant.
8. _____I am seeing a purpose or mission for my life.
9. _____My life has no clear purpose.
10. _____I am searching for meaning in my life.

Finding your true sense of purpose, core values and discovering meaning to your life is one of the most important things if you want a life of success and happiness. We all require a sense of belonging in the world—a place to make a contribution. We all have a place that our life is meant to go in the direction of, we just have to find it.

Meaning, purpose and passion are often hidden in the little tasks and events that make up each day. It’s up to us to pay attention, find our focus and spend our time on what matters most.

When I looked at the above questions the first time, I knew I was close to understanding my sense of purpose but I wasn’t certain how I was meant to achieve it.

There were things I knew with certainty.

I genuinely care about others.

I wanted to make a difference in other people’s lives.

Working online is my arena, it has been now for 3 years.

As a coach and a blogger I know I help, but I don’t believe I am transforming lives, and that’s what I want to do.

So I started asking the question, what something is missing out there that I can provide.

I knew that I have a blank canvas waiting for me to create it ion the right way.

I want to benefit other people’s lives, inspire them, give them solutions that they desperately search for.

I am building a successful ecommerce business. I’m making good money and am once again having a good lifestyle. But something’s missing. I kept hearing inside my mind a question being asked “What are you doing with your life?”

I keep thinking of the saying “Live each day as if it’s your last’ and I know my purpose is to make the difference, live passionately and that’s what I want to be doing. But how?

I see life as a mystery to be revealed, not as a problem to be solved.

I knew it was important for me to figure out what role I wanted to be performing. I already knew the answer to this. Writing, speaking and coaching are not only the things I’m doing but also that I love to do. But what?

When choosing a life purpose, it should not only fuel you with passion in the present moment – it should look even better across a variety of time frames.

My life’s journey has had many ups but equally as many downs. The downs happened mainly through what I call my darkest period but now 5 years later I see my experiences, and the knowledge gained from dealing with them both an asset and my calling to help others to deal with similar scenarios in their life.

Going from bankruptcy and the loss of my beautiful gated property to building a successful business and once again having a fantastic home, shows me that it is the way I have dealt with both my struggles and triumphs that have defined me now as the person that I am. It is now my responsibility to fulfill my purpose and help others deal with the difficulties that life has thrown at them. That’s it, that’s my answer, this is what I want and have to do.

I want to give back to others. I know through my trials and tribulations I had no one to turn to, and I want to provide support to others so they are never alone. If I can assist you in your journey and you have a question for me please feel free to ask. If you do not feel comfortable with asking it publicly then send me an email at


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About the author: Larry Lewis
I'm Larry. As an Executive Life Coach, entrepreneur and writer, I am an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be. I am devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you create a better, stress free, well balanced life.

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