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The Power of Passion

Home » The Power of Passion

Transitioning From A Hobby Blogger

My transformation in blogging came when instead of using it as a platform just to pass along information, I shifted my purpose to being that of educating others, empowering them, and demonstrating the possibilities that still lay before each and everyone of us. The change started when I began thinking about whether I could make a little ...

Life is not the same without Passion!

I spent a little time in Twitter the other day and someone else agreed that life is not the same without passion. I came across a tweet from @Byron_London which really caught my attention. He wrote “I cant grasp what life must be like for people who do not have a passion or a dream. Where ...

Turning Passion Into Business

Have you ever dreamt of starting your own business doing what you love? My life changed the day I found the courage to turn my passion into my potential livelihood. I set about building a business around my passions. It all started when certain people would ask me, ‘Larry what are your passions?’ I didn’t exactly know where to ...

Passion for Life

What is your life's passion? What is most important to you? What are your gifts, your talents? What are you naturally good at? Whether you're 20, 40, 60 or 80, you need to find your life's passion and then bring more of it into your life. Can you remember when you were a small child and the world was ...

Lifestyle Design For You

Life is brilliant! It’s so incredibly exciting; there are so many choices, so many possibilities. I had a meeting today with someone that is crying out to follow the path of lifestyle design. In my blogging journey I have met some really remarkable and gifted people from all walks of life, each in their own rights passionate about ...

Follow Your Passion into Your Dream Job

If you haven't yet found the work you were meant to do, my hope is you'll find this resource an invaluable guide. I have written 1000’s of articles in my time, but I don’t think any of them were more important than this one. We've all heard it a million times in a million different ways. [slogan]"Find what you ...

Follow Your Dreams

There can be no better time to follow your dreams. After witnessing so many exceptional performances at the Olympic games, who wouldn't be inspired and want to emulate our nation's finest athletes? So today found me away from my laptop, sitting in the saddle riding my bicycle. Now I’m not saying this to brag.  As I’ve said,  ...

What is your one thing

  I love Olympic time! In fact I’m an Olympic junkie!  I’ve downloaded the app to my iPhone & constantly have the BBC Olympics Stream open on my laptop. I even love watching  the news and reading the newspapers all filled with inspiring stories of amazing athleticism and inspiring achievements. Better than the depressing news we normally get. Team ...

What Do You Really Want?

“Most people are so busy knocking themselves out trying to do everything they think they should do, they never get around to what they want to do”. How many times have you set goals and been frustrated? What if you could create goals in a way that would move you forward faster? Do you want more success ...

What Is Your Passion In Life?

Do you know what you’re passionate about? What is your passion in life? Is there anything in life that makes you feel really good, excited, and switched on? If not, you either haven’t found your life passion yet, or you are neglecting it. Our passions are what give life its juice. It is time you discovered your ...

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