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Take Your Life Forward Once Again

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Not matter what disasters occur in your life, you can always find a way to take your life forward once again.

Winston Churchill said it the best. Never Ever Give Up!

We’ve all experienced times in our lives when things do not go according to our well-laid out plans. And, when things do go wrong, it is easy to get stuck in self-pity and give up on our dreams.

So many of you stop dreaming because you fear disappointment, or now lack belief in who you are and what you are capable of. You settle for mediocrity. A life without dreams.

Now just remembering your dreams is just too painful. That thing that you used to get all charged up about doing or being now only brings you discomfort and regret. Now you see it as the impossible dream.

Yet there is still room for your dreams, and you can still take your life forward once again.

We may face huge obstacles that threaten to knock us back. Sometimes we just want to throw our hands up and walk away; we want to just quit. In that exact moment two types of people are made: those who give up, and those who keep going until they achieved their dreams.

No-one wants to fail, no-one wants criticism, no-one wants to lose. The cure to failure is not to beat your self up, give in to defeat, but to keep going, ” So always make sure you get back up and go for your dreams.

Challenges are part of everyone’s life, but there are dark moments when a challenge turns into a crisis. The outcome of our lives depends on the choices we make at those moments. I am a living example of this as my story will soon show you.

Are you somebody who when you meet failure will fight on till you make a breakthrough or settle for less than you dreamed.

I urge you to think about it: What if you lost everything you have today? What would keep you going on? Would you give up? Would you hold on to your dreams. I did, and I know what you have to do to survive disaster and then prosper.

For the first time in my life, I was faced with shame and embarrassment. I was not just a bankrupt but had my big house repossessed.

In my case, only a small handful of people knew what had happened. I was left with nothing. I was an empty vessel broken financially and for a while emotionally

But the good news is, that once you’ve hit bottom – there’s no where to go but up. You scramble to hold onto the shreds of  your life as it crumbles beneath you, but instead you should be looking to the future and believing your dreams are still possible.

Know that you will survive. The worst thing that can happen is allowing defeats to keep us down and at the bottom. Choose to see the vast opportunities open to you instead and listen to you heart and gut and let them lead you to the next door of opportunity. It’s there just waiting for you. That I can assure you.

I didn’t find my way straight away, but what I came to learn was whatever life throws at you, you can still have room for your dreams, and there are two questions you neeed to know the answer to.  :

1.What is it that I Want? Clearly identify what you want from life.

2. Why Do I Want It? Recognizing the motivation behind why you want something will give you the motivation to do what you have to.

Regardless of what caused your setback, your path to recovery will require you to take the following steps.

Accept Your Situation: What’s done is done and there is no turning back. Accept the setback, let go of it, and commit to forward movement.

Take Account: You must know exactly where you are right now what resources you have and what liabilities you face.

Define Your Goal: Define your objective or goal. You must determine where you want to go with your life.

Develop An Action Plan: Develop a plan that bridges the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

Take Action:  The ability to consistently and persistently direct meaningful action toward achieving a goal is what separates successful people from those who are not.

There you go, steps to get you out from your problems and take your life forward once again.


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About the author: Larry Lewis
I'm Larry. As an Executive Life Coach, entrepreneur and writer, I am an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be. I am devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you create a better, stress free, well balanced life.

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