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Life’s great when you follow your passions

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We all seek happiness and success on our journey through life and I’m here to tell you that life’s great when you follow your passions.  A piece of advice we often hear when it comes to being successful and feeling a sense of fulfilment in life is to “follow our passion.”  But before you can follow your passion, you have to find it. So where do you look for it? How do you really discover what you are deeply passionate about?

In my few years of being online, and communicating with people from all over the world, I find it so disappointing how few seem to be able to get in touch with the one thing that they are truly passionate about.

So many of them seem to spend their time, and lots of it, trying to build a business or a blog around something they’ve been told will make them money but for which they have no passion. The reality is they’ve be hard sold, even brainwashed, and they’ll achieve very little. They need to know life’s great when you follow your passions and do something about it.

Most of the people I know who are truly doing something they are incredibly passionate about were inspired by making the difference to both their own lives and to that of others. Who were so excited by their subject of passion that they not only wanted to bring it to the world but help others enjoy the benefits of it as well.

In my belief to be successful you must have a passion for your work. You shouldn’t wake up in the morning stressed about going to work. You have to be happy and excited about getting to work. You truly have to feel within that life’s great when you follow your passions.

If you love your job, you’ll work harder, longer and better — doing what you do because it is the only thing you want to be doing.

Your passion and love for what you’re doing is the reason you wake up in the morning, and just the thought of it can keep you up late with excitement.

Figuring out what you really love to do and directing it in a productive way that turns it into a passion can help you create the life of your dreams.

Living the life of your dreams allows you to be free, fulfilled, and living the life you truly were intended to live.

Alas not many of you  are truly willing to take the steps to achieve this!

Your heart knows where your passions lie. It can be your guide if you allow it to, and it will take you where you need to be, if you listen to it. That is my message to you  because life’s great when you follow your passions.

An incredibly good blog that I enjoyed talk about this subject and is written by someone I deem to be a top blogger Henri Junttila of Wake up Cloud, and I suggest you read it here:

How to Be Free, Fulfilled and Live the Life of Your Dreams

However you see your dream life, the facts are that you really can achieve anything that you put your mind, body and soul to.

Whether you see yourself enjoying

  • better health,
  • more money,
  • great friends,
  • specific possessions,
  • a happy positive mindset
  • or a wonderful loving partner or wife or husband,
  • or all of the above?

You can achieve it all, if you live your life by your passions. The title of this blog tells you what you need to know, understand and believe … Life’s great when you follow your passions.

Everybody has dreams! But, most people never live the life of their dreams. They spend their whole lives dreaming about it, but never doing it. Most people dream about where they want to go, what they want do, and the things they want to have, but never get enjoy these things.

The truth is doing exactly that will lead you to living your dream life.

So let me repeat the essential ingredients to living life like this:

  • dreaming about what you want,
  • following your passions
  • working incredibly hard
  • be persistent and never give up

Do this and you can be someone who lives their life to the full, going where you want to go, doing what you want, and having the things you want.

Don’t waste another minute living an unfulfilled life. Start by asking yourself these questions:

  • If I could do one thing for the rest of my life, what would it be?
  • What do I love to do?
  • What would I do, even if I didn’t get paid to do it?
  • What makes me feel like nothing else exits?
  • What activity makes me feel completely encaptivated?

I assure you that everyone can make money with their passion. You can all find a way to make a hobby your central passion of your life and build a business around it.

I use myself as an example. I built a blog around my passions for personal development, my knowledge and qualifications in healthy lifestyle, started selling products around my love for strength training and exercise, and now am going on to build a massive ecommerce shop selling sporting goods from many of the top famous brands. Even better I’ve been able to start playing sport again every single day and can claim its for the sake of the business.

Life’s great when you follow your passions.



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About the author: Larry Lewis
I'm Larry. As an Executive Life Coach, entrepreneur and writer, I am an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be. I am devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you create a better, stress free, well balanced life.

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