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How We React

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Today’s Teaching is about how we react to the things that happen to us. Our response to failure and events that happen to us are often the key to whether we will go on to enjoy ultimate success or live a life of ‘only ifs.’

In this series of Never Give Up Teachings we have covered:

Lesson 1: Never Stop Trying
Lesson 2: Learn from your Difficulties
Lesson 3: Never Give up no Matter What

When bad news strikes, we can still control who we choose to be, even in that moment. We control how we react.

When faced with adversity how do you normally react? Do you immediately let the incident take full control of your mind, body, and spirit? Does your mind stay stuck in negative mode for way to long?

Sometimes on our journey through life we come across an obstacle that seems insurmountable. A limitation that holds us back or worse still knocks us down. It is how we react – our reactions to things that happen in our life which are often the determining factor on what sort of life we live.

Adversity should be expected in the process of succeeding. The process of success comes from repeated failure. You just have to get up, get over it and get going. You can’t worry about failure and let that fear stop you from trying to make things work for you.

How different would your life be if your first response to an upsetting event was simply a pause—a long moment of thought to quieten your emotions, gather your thoughts and think rationally about the situation and the best way to respond to it. What about when crises strike, to hold back for a little while, pause, and try to find the one positive thing hidden in the debris of wrecked dreams and negative consequences.

We get to choose our responses. To respond negativily to something bad happening is natural. But its not natural to allow this to carry on harming us. Right now, im mourning my mother. She passed away 9 days ago, she was buried Saturday just gone. . But I’ve got myself back into the groove because my reaction is that I now have her looking over me, watching what I do, so I better choose the right things to do to make her proud. Believe me this is an empowering way to react, rather than feeling sorry for my loss, and allowing myself to sytay down on the floor. This isn’t the way my mum taught me to be.

You see so much of our life is shaped by our responses. The reason is that we are each in our own driver’s seat of life. It isn’t easy sometimes to react positively or wisely.  But it’s possible. You have to change your mindset, your behaviour, your doom and gloom outlook. What most people find truly difficult is to see the good when hidden by the bad. You simply have to be able to do this.

It isn’t what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that determines the outcome of our path through life. Every single thing that happens to us can be perceived as a lesson, and every adversity can be a message we needed to receive, so every situation that comes our way brings with it a lesson that if we learn well from it our progress can only be forward, even if things may not seem as though they are at the time.

We really are in control of how we react. Will we come bouncing back or stay rooted to our knees once disaster strikes. It really is us that gets to decide. It’s almost a human condition that we concern ourselves with the things that could go wrong, things that have gone wrong, things that annoy us, and our past bad experiences. So many spend most their day worrying or thinking about all the negative things in their life right now and they can’t see further than that.

No matter how overwhelming our problems may appear nor how desperate we are, we must realize that we have the ability to move forward once again. The greatest victory is the one that’s most difficult. Having experienced disaster, facing failure, imagine the feeling when you eventually succeed. I can assure you it doesn’t get any better, the feeling of elation is just incredible. You are capable of digging deep down inside of you, to fight with everything you’ve got when you believe if you don’t at first succeed, try, try again.

Every cloud has a silver lining, and as how we react will have such a massive impact on the outcome of your life, you best start seeing the positive and know you have to stay strong.

Get a Skype Coaching session with me for 60 Minutes for FREE

Over the next couple weeks, I’m going to do 3 telephone consultations. I’ll get on skype with you for 60 minutes, and you can tell me what’s troubling you about your life. I’ll then give you advice specific to your exact situation. And I’m going to do this for free. All you have to do is leave a comment below telling me your biggest frustration right now. I’ll contact you by email, have you complete a brief questionnaire, and then we’ll schedule a time to chat.



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About the author: Larry Lewis
I'm Larry. As an Executive Life Coach, entrepreneur and writer, I am an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be. I am devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you create a better, stress free, well balanced life.
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