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How to Stop Spam Comments on a Stand-Alone WordPress Blog

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Any blogger will be able to relate to this problem. You’ve just installed your new WordPress Blog. Everything is working great, it’s all set up nicely and for the first few weeks your worry free. One day you log into your admin panel to write a new post and then it greats you, 24 new comments. Great! Until you notice every single one is spam. How the… have they got there? Unfortunately, like everything else these days, if something is sat out on the Internet its only a matter of time before something else finds away of exploiting it. So this brings us to todays post.

How do you stop spam comments on your WordPress blog?

I’m in charge of quiet a few blogs at the moment and over the last 12 months of tried everything. I’ve tried being a tight arse and routinely going into the blogs I run on a daily basis and deleting the comments hoping if I did this then I would be able to keep on top of them all. As the blogs grew in popularity, it started to become clear that due to the amount of spam comments I had to deal with I started to delete genuine comments. Then I installed askimet which did the job to a point but all it really did was separate the good comments from the bad. I still had to go through the comments and delete them. After a few months I started to realise Askimet was just about as good as I was for spotting a spam comment.

In the end I came across the solution. A popular free plug-in turned premium and provided me with the answer. Introducing Comment Luv Premium. This plug-in has made my job as a blog administrator so much easier its unbelievable! It stops spam by adding a check box when someone goes to leave you a comment. The check box is created ‘on the fly’ so spam bots can’t detect its there. Only a human can see it and therefore only a human can leave a comment with this plug in (note humans can also leave spam comments so you still need to check). Now before everyone starts jumping down my neck (and quiet rightly) to point out there’s a plug in which can do this for free, Comment Luv Premium not only handles spam comments but it also handles ALL your commenting aspects and by just having this plug-in installed you will receive a lot more comments from other comment luv users alone!

Comment Luv IS THE only plug-in I pay for when it comes to blogging and with good reason. Comments are the life blood of any good blog. Its about interaction and comments are the number one way of interacting with your readers. You need to look after your commenters and Comment Luv Premium is the best plug-in for handling comments period.

Ironically I’m hi-jacking my business partners blog again and probably wont get any comments for this post but he does OK in the comment department so having this plug-in is well worth the price. As always, you get what you pay for!




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