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New Year Resolutions Don’t Work. But They Can!

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How disappointing it is that every year we start a New Year with high hopes but soon find that New Year Resolutions don’t work.

The start of the New Year is often the perfect time to turn a new page in your life, which is why so many people make New Year’s resolutions, but research suggests only a fraction actually keep them.

I want you to know that no matter how last year was for you… this year can be even better. If it was less than great, this is your chance to punch the reset button and start fresh.

When the page flips on the calendar and you wake up on January 1 I want you to have prepared yourself to make this the first day of your best year yet.

A new year gives you that chance… the promise that no matter what’s happened in the past or where you are today, you can go on to transform your life.

Consider this: 95 percent of people who set goals or make New Year’s resolutions give up on them before the first page of the calendar turns. Evidence that New Year Resolutions don’t work. My mission is to ensure you won’t be one of them.

You can design this year to be your best year yet, by using the Single Page Plan.

If you want to achieve your big goals in life and design the future you have always dreamed of having, then you must start by life planning.

To do this there is an important process you need to learn. Today I want to go through the first step in the process. Even as you look towards the new year which is fast approaching, it’s important to step back and take a look at the year just finished—take an inventory, add it all up, and see how you did.

It is time for you to take a look at the year just gone.

What were your successes, and where did you come up short? What has worked, what didn’t? Which were good decisions, which were bad? It’s important to learn the lessons of life quickly or you will no doubts repeat them.

If you skip this step, you may not even realize you are off-course until too much time has passed, too many resources have been spent, and your life is on the rocks, and 2018 ends up being another unfulfilled year.

Let me give you some questions to help you examine your last 12 months.

On the negative side:

What were your worst moments in the last 365 days?
What significant events took place in this year that were negative?
What did not go well this year?
What things do I need to do less of in the next year?
What things do I need to stop altogether in the next year?
What event or experience represented the “worst” of the year, and why exactly?
What important goals did I fail to achieve, and why?
Where else did I fail?
What regrets do I have?
What opportunity did I pass up?
What do I wish I had spent more time doing?
What was the single most challenging thing that happened?
What was the single biggest time waster in your life this past year?
What were your worst personality characteristics e.g. lack confidence, low self-esteem, and feeling down?
What do you find most challenging about your life?

How long did it take you in 2017 to decide New Year Resolutions don’t work?

Now on the Positive

What were your best moments in the last 365 days?
What significant events took place in this year that were positive?
What went well this year?
What were the greatest things that happened in the past year?
What accomplishments from last year are I most proud of?
What developments have I made in the past year?
What things do I need to do more of in the next year?
What were my biggest triumphs?
What were the smartest decisions I made?
Who were the people that had the greatest impact on my life?
What am I most proud of in terms of what I achieved, accomplished or brought into being this year – in life and work?
What were my wins?
What did I enjoy most?
What new things did I discover about myself?
What was the best news I received?
What do you find most rewarding about your life?
Which of my personal qualities turned out to be the most helpful this year?
Which new skills did I learn?
What, or who, are you most thankful for?
What was my biggest break-through moment career-wise?
Was there anything I did for the very first time in your life this year?
What was my favourite moment spent with friends?
What major goal did I lay the foundations for?
What experience would I love to do all over again?
What was the biggest problem I solved?
What purchase turned out to be the best decision ever?
What do I deserve a pat on the back for?
What did I think about more than anything else?
What new habits did I cultivate?
What activities made me lose track of time?

Once you have written down your negative and positive parts of 2017 I want you to consider these questions.

What were the greatest lessons you have learned from the year?
List the things you’d like to start doing.
List the things you’d like to keep doing.
List the things you’d like to stop doing.
What advice would you give you – without judgement?

This is only your starting point, but an important one that you must do. Soon I’ll share with you the next step for designing your Best Year Yet.

In want you to prove this coming year that rather than New Year Resolutions don’t work, that in truth they can sky rocket your life, because they can, you just need the right process to follow.

Now take time out and review your year just gone.

New Year’s Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change. Sarah Ban Breathnach

Any questions don’t hesitate to contact me, or drop me a comment.

Thank you for reading today.

This is Larry Lewis.
ps. You can learn more about the Single Page Plan, the 5 step process and how to review your progress through the Goal Setting Made Easy With the Single Page Plan book which is available at Amazon here. For those of you who can see the power of the system and want to work with me as your coach to create or implement the Single Page Plan check out my Single Page Plan coaching packages here.

Not grabbed your free single page plan template? Get the Single Page Plan template for FREE here.

photo credit: cafecredit Credit Score – Magnifying Glass via photopin (license)


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About the author: Larry Lewis
I'm Larry. As an Executive Life Coach, entrepreneur and writer, I am an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be. I am devoted to sharing ideas, tools and resources that will help you create a better, stress free, well balanced life.

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